8 Crucial Safety Tips For Women Driving Alone
Women drivers are generally more vulnerable to be targeted by criminals and aggressive drivers on the road. So if you’re a lady and drive alone often, follow these steps to stay safe from the dangers on the road.
1 Charge up
Make sure your cell phone is fully charged before hitting the road. If it’s low on battery and you don’t have the time to charge it, bring along a power bank or cable with a car adapter. Your cell phone will be a life saver in the case of a breakdown or
2 Precautions all the time
You can take certain precautions like locking all doors (although modern cars today already lock automatically) and roll up the windows as soon as you get into the car. Before driving off, check the back seat of the car, even if you have locked the doors.
3 Keep your valuables out of sight
The last thing you want is to attract criminals by flashing your handbag, purse, phone etc. in plain sight. This will make you an easy target for snatch thieves.
4 Stay vigilant in parking areas
Many cases of mishaps occur in the parking areas so stay vigilant of your surroundings when you are parking your car. Park somewhere where people passing by frequently. Refrain from fiddling with your belongings at the boot for too long as it gives time for criminals to approach you.
5 Be alerted on the road
Don’t be distracted or entertain any harassment or cat calling on the road. Just drive on. Should you notice that there is a suspicious vehicle following you for an extended period of time, turn into a different road. If the vehicle STILL follows you, there is a high chance that you are being targeted for foul play. When this occurs, don’t stop driving. Instead, drive to the nearest police station.
6 Don’t Stop For Anyone
It is not advisable to give a lift to strangers or hitchhikers when you are driving alone, better to be safe than sorry. Your safety should always be the top priority when you are driving alone.
7 Be prepared for emergencies
You can’t predict emergency situations and there’s nothing much you can do to avoid one. So in the case that you’re in an accident or breakdown, make sure you have an emergency contact number to call for on-site assistance such as towing, tyre and battery change or a car ride to get you to your next destination safely from the scene.
8 Fill up
Lastly, don’t start your journey with one bar of fuel because that’s just begging for trouble. Fill that tank to the top and you won’t have to worry about running out of fuel for the rest of the day.
Modern women lead a busy lifestyle and areconstantly on-the-go. We Dindings Insurance are always alert on the market trends and needs for insurance. Safety is no accident. Stay alert & get covered.
Source from AXA Quarter 4 2017 Newsletter
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