We went above and beyond to create a know how experience. Perfectly crafted to suite your industrial business with almost variety options to get a cost effective to ensure your most valuable asset…
Solving your headache on insurance claims matters. Always seek for a fair or reasonable compensation & settlement within a reasonable timeline.
Riding on better negotiation position for better rate and coverage terms.
We went above and beyond to create a know how experience. Perfectly crafted to suite your industrial business with almost variety options to get a cost effective to ensure your most valuable asset…
Appreciation for the Early Claim Settlement Claim Approved and Paid within 3 working days..
Appreciation for your kind assistance to solve the windstorm damage claims Following up the case closely and submit the claim documents on time..
Claim was handled smoothly and completed within just a week! Excellent service provided by Dindings Life Agency company…
Swift and Prompt Response! So glad that the agent provided us with a fast and efficient claim process…
RM60k+ claim approved within 5 days We were caught by surprise but felt happy and relieved when agent told us the full claim was approved – all within 5 days…
Full Claim Approved Within 2 Days WOW! We were amazed on how fast the claim was approved, all in less than 2 days…
Testimonial for the Satisfactory of Service Refer to the subject above, we Premium Minds Sdn Bhd, were happy with the service provider by claiming insurance for our company for the roof top glass crash…
Claim Approved Within 1 Day We submited the claim documents to Mr Tan on 22 Feb and surprisingly we received an email from Mr Tan on 23 Feb informing that the claim is approved…
Full Claim Settlement Approved within One Day
The claim document for replacing the damage balcony glass was received on 14th Dec 2021 form Mirage Residence…
The Claim Approved within Two Days
Our appreciation to Dindings Corporate Insurance Agency (DCIA) in obtaining full claim settlement for the damage by Windstrom that broke our glass window…
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your tremendous effort
Please refer to the stamped and signed ‘Acceptance Letter’ in the attachment below for your further action…
Appreciation for the early claim settlement (within 5 working days)
Our appreciation to Mr. Tan of Claims, Dindings for an early claim settlement for the damaged caused by lightning strike…
Appreciation for the full claim settlement
Our appreciation to Dindings Corporate Insurance Agency (DCIA) in assisting to obtain the full settlement for the damages to lifts No.2 Tower A by lightning at USJ ONE Condominium…
Appreciation for the early claim settlement
Our appreciation to Dindings Corporate Insurance Agency (DCIA) for the early settlement on the above claim amounting to RM75,000.00…
Appreciation for settlement of the claims
Our appreciation to Dindings Corporate Insurance Agency (DCIA) in assisting to obtain the claim settlement for windstorm damages amounting to RM22,073.00…
We appreciate Dinding’s prompt response and service, which helps the Management Office save time and money…
We are very pleased with the speed of the claim and the help provided by the professional staff….
Prompt and Fast Insurance Claim Payment – Flood Claim
I was happy to receive my claim payment for RM11,000.00++ within a month….
Unknown Vehicle Hit Bomba Hydrant
Throughout the entire claim process, your team’s communication was outstanding. The regular updates and prompt responses to our communications kept us informed and reassured that we were in capable hands….
Our heartfelt appreciation to our corporate clients for choosing us to service them for their company insurance requirements.
Many thanks to all the individual clients who have placed their trust in us to service them for their insurance needs.
Your cooperation, support and excellent services extended to us is the key contributor to our success. We really appreciate and grateful to have you as our partner.
The Company recognised your dedication, commitment and strong team work to meet company’s objective.